
Something led you here today. This can be the magical time of personal growth and transformation, uplifting you into a more meaningful life. We're opening up to creating something brand new. A whole new level of self is emerging, that brings you back to who you are deep within without all the stories. Together we can make this journey home.
The PORTAL TO NEW ME MEMBERSHIP offers you a safe space. Together we enter on a nurturing and truly transformational journey. In our Monday Classes you get to share your own experiences, insights and growth together with everyone else in the group. The energetical platform of the group is already very strong and through the group consciousness you are able to access into a quantum field and higher levels of being where your full potential awaits.
The Monday Class experience
- Sharing
- Auli's introduction and energy update
- Guided meditation / channeling
- A shared platform for connecting with other members of the group
- Listening to the recordings helps you integrate the transformation
Join this community of like minded people for heart-based support. Together it's more fun, and we evolve much faster with people sharing the same path.
I am so excited to share this journey with you all!
Have we forgotten how?
We need each other to find our way through these times of Big Change. We need to remind each other of the importance of being, breathing, relaxing. That the Sun is shining above the clouds every day.
We need to remind each other of the importance of warm hugs, seeing beyond the superficial surface, and how it feels when someone looks deeply in our eyes. How it feels to be lightened up by genuine connections and being there for each other. Together, supported & not alone!
So we’ll never forget the power of gratitude, love, compassion and joy again.
With Love,

You can choose monthly payment or save money by selecting annual payment with extra benefits!
Our MONDAY CLASSES are taught in Finnish (even weeks) and English (odd weeks), so please choose your membership by the language you prefer.

Jenny J.
On ground level in the earthly fog of everyday living, it can be hard to make sense of life. Somehow, like an wilderness guide climbing a mountain, Auli helps me look at the deep valleys from an higher perspective. A perspective where you can see the bigger picture, take a breath and enjoy the view.
Kirsi V.
Tärkeäksi muodostunut maanantai illan hetki, jonka vaikutus ei jää vain siihen tuokioon. Olen huomannut, että odotan jo seuraavaa etäyhteyttä, mitä siinä ja sen jälkeen koenkaan, on seikkailu tiedostamattomaan. Koen onnellisuutta ja kiitollisuutta, että saan osallistua näihin meditaatioiltoihin. Kiitoshalit sinulle Auli.
Niina T.
Thank you so much for a wonderful Monday Class yesterday! I was really tired and full of anxiety before, but afterwards and especially today everything feels light and happy. Something almost slightly puzzling happened today as I was suddenly guided beautifully toward my new dream career.