You are the doorway. Be Open.

Today change is happening all around us. Do you want to quit your current job and start your own business? Do you dream of helping others but don’t know how? What fears are keeping you from stepping into your power, from creating what you really want?
More and more people are willing to make new choices, step out of their comfort zones, and unplug themselves from the old system. What's next? Love over fear, connection to your core, sharp intuition, inner power and eventually dreaming your big dreams may not be a fantasy anymore.
The linear way of thinking, which most people live by, narrows vision and capability because it is limited by its very nature. To break through the illusion of limitation, you clear and open the next level to establish the base for your success. This new clarity allows true inspiration and new visions to arrive from a totally different level of the self.
This will not be the traditional way of learning; it’s about unlearning much of what you think you are. In my Mentoring Program, you’ll clear away whatever is preventing your quantum leap forward. You’ll also identify your true calling to create a happier life that matters.
Choosing this journey with me requires genuine commitment to change. You must therefore be strongly committed to doing your part of the work. You show up for you and our sessions every week for 6 or 12 weeks. I will only take a few people at a time for this program so I can focus intently on each person's deep growth and transformation.
Believe in yourself
- Put yourself first
- Transform your negative beliefs into new possibilities
- Remove obstacles from your path
- Find your boundaries and expand beyond limitations
- Stand your ground by putting your power into practice
- Birth your ideas from the mystery and silence
- Find your life’s calling, the work which doesn’t feel like work
- Stay aligned and connect to your full potential
- Light up your own unique brilliance and shine!
Pricing: first session 160 €
- 6 weeks program 695 € (plus first session)
- 12 weeks program 1495 € (plus first session)